Call for Papers: International Conference on Philosophy for Children “30 Years Philosophy for Children in Austria Human Rights – Philosophy as Form of Life”

The International Conference on Philosophy for Children will be held under the auspices of the Austrian Commission for UNESCO.


International Conference on Philosophy for Children
“30 Years Philosophy for Children in Austria
Human Rights – Philosophy as Form of Life”

October 15 – 18, 2015
Karl-Franzens-University Graz/Austria

Organizer: ACPC – Austrian Centre of Philosophy with Children

Conference languages: English – German (simultaneous translation for all papers)

Deadline for abstracts: July 31, 2015 (abstract about 300-500 words)

Papers and/or posters that are accepted for the presentation.

Deadline for papers: September 1st, 2015

For further information please see attachment!

Kind regards

Daniela G. Camhy

Registration Form_2015


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